we’ve separated 10 simple steps to discover your professional vocation and help you define the best directions for your career.
1. Seek self-knowledge
Self-knowledge is the starting point for discovering a professional vocation, but it is not easy to fully achieve it: this is a constant process in our lives. Even so, you can analyze your personal characteristics to visualize the profession you intend to practice in the future.
For example, an extroverted person with ease of communication may consider working in public relations or journalism, which require this resourcefulness.
In the case of those who are more focused and who like to make calculations, the various segments of engineering and other professions in the field of information technology can be interesting alternatives.
But this is not a definitive rule: what is recommended is to unite the characteristics most present in your behavior with the essential aspects for a good performance in the profession. By following this tip, your chances of making the right choice increase.
2. Stay well-informed about careers
If you like animals, you’ve probably been told you could be a veterinarian. Undoubtedly, this is a factor that can be considered when choosing this career, but it is not enough to define your professional future.
Before deciding, evaluate the knowledge needed to practice a profession and see the opportunities available in the job market. The more you are informed about the activities involved in your career, the easier it will be to make an informed decision, avoiding false expectations.
You can (and should!) hear the opinion of family and friends about which career you want to pursue. However, your decision must be made by evaluating the positive and negative aspects of following a certain profession, according to your wishes.
3. Talk to more experienced professionals
Imagine yourself very excited about being an English teacher. One of the reasons is that he is very fluent in the language, which is a favorable point for pursuing this career. But do you already know what the day to day of the profession is like? The routine of preparing classes, tests, making corrections and dealing with students may not suit your profile.
Therefore, it is interesting to check the routine of professionals in the area, working conditions and remuneration. In order not to be disappointed, the best thing to do is talk to people who are already in the job market and clarify all your doubts.
They will help you to show what the reality of the career is like, so that you can identify if this is really your professional vocation. Unfortunately, having the ability to hold a position is not synonymous with professional success or personal fulfillment.
4. Take it easy to discover your professional vocation
As the popular saying goes: haste is the enemy of perfection. Getting too anxious to define your career is not the best way to resolve this situation. Therefore, try to read, very carefully, the guides that talk about the characteristics of the professions, such as:
- areas of knowledge most charged during college;
- job opportunities in the area;
- requirements needed to be an above average professional;
- best higher education institutions to take a good course and be better prepared for the job market.
5. Know how to unite personal interests with professionals
Knowing your professional vocation is the first step towards success. So choosing a career that makes you happy with yourself is undeniably a big plus. Despite this, you cannot ignore something important for a good quality of life: remuneration.
Imagine that you want to get married and have two children. However, the career he chose does not offer a family income that guarantees the standard of living he expects. In this case, there are two options: seek to supplement your income with other activities or look for another profession that allows you to provide better conditions for your family members.
It is essential to reconcile professional interests with personal life aspirations and the desired standard of living. This will help you perform better in your career and build good relationships with friends and family.
6. Seek help choosing a profession
Talking to renowned professionals, dialoguing with relatives and studying the job market a lot are initiatives that help to define the best option. If that’s not enough to make your choice easier, you can also take a career orientation to find the most suitable ones for your profile. The internet offers several test options, with simple questions that can give a good idea about your vocation.
Another interesting option is the professional support of psychologists, pedagogues or coaches. They help in the search for self-knowledge and in the identification of affinities. In addition, they apply more complex and in-depth tests, analyzing your characteristics and skills to find the most suitable options for your profile.
Based on this information, you can narrow down the alternatives and research each profession more deeply. This way, you also get to know the areas of expertise and skills needed in each one, making your choice easier.
7. Consider turning your hobby into a profession
Do you have any hobbies? They can often become a profession or at least help you find a good career. For example, if you like reading, writing and interpreting, the Law course offers several areas of activity. On the other hand, if you like calculations or developing projects and drawings, engineering can be a good alternative.
However, if your hobbies are more specific, such as painting, crafting or cooking, it is also worth investing in. You can start making items to sell and choose a course that will help you professionalize your business. The administration course , for example, can help you set up a successful company and monetize your hobby, so that you have great income and start a successful career .
8. Have the attitude to change your mind
Think that your parents are exemplary doctors in the segment in which they work. That’s why you initially chose to follow their path in the professional field, but after studying at school, you realized that you had more affinity with careers in the humanities (law, advertising, journalism, etc.).
This is very common, but some people are afraid or embarrassed to change their minds and reevaluate their professional vocation. Certainly, courage is needed for this, mainly because some family members and close people may not understand this change .
Therefore, if you want to find your true vocation, it is essential that you analyze what you really want and, if you change your mind, show the reasons that influenced your decision. Explain them calmly and clearly to convey confidence and prove you’re on the right track.
9. Always be studying
The labor market is undergoing constant transformations, especially in recent years, due to technological advances and the new mindset of companies, which now prioritize innovation and conscious consumption, reducing unnecessary expenses.
Understanding the dynamics of professions and defining the ideal one for you requires a lot of study. Career building is a constant process, which is why a professional vocation is so important. After all, choosing a profession that you really like facilitates this process of always seeking new knowledge and keeping up with market developments.
This is important to plan your trajectory in the job market in the best possible way and keep expectations in line with your real career possibilities.
10. Allow yourself to change
A very common mistake when choosing a career is believing that this should be a lifelong decision. It is true that many people manage to choose a profession when they leave high school and work happily with that decision until retirement.
However, keep in mind that it is possible to change your mind and discover another professional vocation in the future. This is normal and does not mean that you made a mistake in the first decision: often, your own career evolution indicates new paths to follow.
The important thing is to be ready to set new goals and seek the necessary qualifications to enter the new profession. A second degree or specialization can help achieve these goals.
As we have seen, choosing a profession is not an easy task, but there are several ways to make this mission much simpler, such as following these tips on how to discover your professional vocation. All you need is focus, dedication, planning and a willingness to learn to put them all into practice.